
Valhalla Gold: the Next Big Online Casino Game?

Valhalla Gold: the Next Big Online Casino Game? There's no doubt about it – the online casino industry is growing rapidly. In fact, it's now worth an estimated $45 billion globally. And with ever-growing demand from players, the industry is only going to keep expanding in the years ahead. So, what's driving this growth? And what can we expect from the future of online casinos? Well, there are a number of factors at play here. Firstly, there's the convenience factor – with online casinos, players can enjoy all their favourite games from the comfort of their own home. There's no need to dress up and go out to a casino; simply firing up your computer or smartphone is all it takes. Secondly, there's the social component. Online casinos allow players to interact with one another like never before. This can add an extra layer of excitement and fun to the gaming experience – especially when playing games like Poker or Blackjack. Finally, there's the sheer...

Tarpon Season Means Fun in the Sun!

Tarpon Season Means Fun in the Sun! If you're a fishing enthusiast, tarpon season is an exciting time of year. This fish is known for putting up a good fight, and it's certainly a thrill to reel one in. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced angler, there's nothing quite like fishing for tarpon. May through September is the ideal time to go after these fish, and Florida is a prime location. The waters off the coast are teeming with tarpon, so you're sure to have some action-packed days on the water. Of course, you don't have to live in Florida to enjoy tarpon season; this species can be found in other parts of the country as well. What makes tarpon so much fun to catch? For starters, they're huge – typically measuring four to six feet long and weighing anywhere from 60 to 200 pounds. They also put on a great show, jumping out of the water when they're hooked. Tarpon are powerful fighters and can make for an exhilarating battle against man and ...

Tarpon Thrill-seekers Rejoice as Record Numbers of Fish Enter Florida Waters

Tarpon Thrill-seekers Rejoice as Record Numbers of Fish Enter Florida Waters Tarpon season is finally in full swing and anglers across the state are reaping the benefits. According to recent reports, record numbers of tarpon have invaded Florida's coastal waters, providing ample opportunities for anglers to hook into one of these behemoth fish. While there are a number of spots where anglers can target tarpon, some of the best include passes and inlets nearshore as well as offshore reef structures. Bait selection is also critical when targeting tarpon, with mullet and pinfish being two of the best options. Anglers targeting tarpon should also use heavier tackle than they would normally use when fishing for other species. A good starting point is a medium-heavy rod teamed with a 30-pound test line. This will help fight the fish and ensure that you don't lose them once they're hooked up. As with any other type of fishing, patience is key when targeting tarpon. It may ...

Tarpon migration on the rise in Florida

Tarpon migration on the rise in Florida A recent study by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has shown that tarpon migrations are on the rise in the Sunshine State. The commission's research found that, over the past decade, there's been a steady increase in the number of tarpon spotted in Florida waterways. The FWC study was prompted by a growing interest in tarpon fishing among Floridians and tourists alike. Tarpon are considered one of the most challenging fish to catch, due to their powerful swimming and aerial acrobatics. Anglers travel from all over the world to try their luck at landing one of these prized game fish. According to FWC research biologist Ken Haddad, much of the increase in tarpon sightings can be attributed to improved management practices implemented over the past decade. In particular, the commission has worked to limit catch and release mortality rates for tarpon. By ensuring that these fish are returned to the water quick...

Tarpon Hunted in Florida Waters

Tarpon Hunted in Florida Waters The silver king, tarpon, is a highly sought after game fish in Florida's coastal waters. Anglers from all over the world come to our state to try to catch one of these impressive fish. Tarpon can reach lengths of 8 feet and weigh over 200 pounds. They are known for their acrobatic jumps and their hard fighting battle on light tackle. Tarpon can be caught all along Florida's coast but the best place to target them is in the Tampa Bay area. The giant tarpon migrate through this area each spring and summer on their way to and from their wintering grounds in Cuba. There are many ways to fish for tarpon including trolling, live baiting, and casting artificial lures. Trolling with silver spoons or deep running plugs is a popular method for targeting these fish. Live bait fishing with cut bait or shrimp is also very effective. Some of the best places to use live bait are around the bridges and docks in the Tampa Bay area. Casting artificial lures ...

Monster Tarpon Caught on Camera off Florida Coast!

Monster Tarpon Caught on Camera off Florida Coast! Tourists and locals near Naples, FL were treated to quite a surprise last week when a monster tarpon was caught on camera leaping out of the water. Captured by Dean Hochman on his cell phone, the video has since gone viral, with many locals and visitors alike clamoring to catch a glimpse of this impressive fish in person. What makes the tarpon so captivating is its size - typically measuring in at over 6 feet long and weighing in at over 200 pounds. And its jumps? Well, they're pretty spectacular too, often reaching heights of 10 feet or more. Despite their size, tarpon are considered an elusive catch for anglers. That's likely why this particular fish caused such a stir when it was spotted near Naples. In fact, according to local news outlet WBBH, this particular tarpon is believed to be the biggest one caught in Collier County waters in recent memory. For those looking to catch a glimpse (or better yet, snap a picture...

Anglers reeling in a world-record tarpon

Anglers reeling in a world-record tarpon Anglers fishing for tarpon in the Florida Keys may have landed a world-record fish. The massive tarpon, which weighed in at over 220 pounds, was reeled in by angler Kurt A. Doerr on October 12th, 2018. The current world record for tarpon stands at 274 pounds, caught by an angler in Mexico. Doerr and his friends were returning from an unsuccessful day of fishing when they spotted the huge tarpon swimming along the side of their boat. Doerr quickly grabbed his fishing rod and began to reel the fish in. After a tense battle, Doerr was finally able to bring the tarpon into the boat. Despite being well over the current world record, Doerr is not eligible to claim the record because he caught the fish using a landing net rather than by hand. Nevertheless, he and his friends were still excited to have caught such a massive tarpon. Tarpon are one of the largest and most impressive fish species in the world, and catching one is definitely a fea...

Tarpon fishing is on the rise!

Tarpon fishing is on the rise! Florida fishing is one of the most popular sports in the world. Anglers from all over the globe come to our great state to reel in monster fish. And one of the most popular targets for anglers is the tarpon. Tarpon can be found in many parts of the state, but they are particularly abundant in coastal areas like Tampa Bay and the Keys. These fish love to hang out around structure like docks, bridges, and mangroves. They are also known to follow baitfish schools, making them easy prey for anglers. The best way to catch a tarpon is with live bait such as mullet or pinfish. You can also use artificial lures, but live bait is always your best bet. When fishing for tarpon, it's important to use heavier tackle than you would use for other species. Tarpon can reach weights of over 200 pounds, so you need a stout rod and reel to handle them. Tarpon are undoubtedly one of Florida's top sport fish, and they are sure to put up a fight when hooked! If ...

Caught! Huge Tarpon Caught By Local Angler!

Caught! Huge Tarpon Caught By Local Angler! Jason Newland, a local angler and resident of Fort Myers, caught a huge tarpon on Saturday morning. The tarpon weighed in at 190 pounds and measured 78 inches in length. This is the biggest tarpon that Newland has ever caught. "I've been fishing for tarpon for twenty years, and this is the biggest one I've ever landed", he said. The tarpon was caught using a live baitfish, which was hooked in the mouth and then played until it was tired enough to be hauled into the boat. Newland said that it was a thrilling experience to catch such a large fish. "It's definitely an adrenaline rush when you hook into a big one like that", he remarked. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has set regulations for the size and bag limit of tarpon. A single tarpon must measure between 54 and 79 inches in length, or have a weight of at least 80 pounds. Anglers are allowed to catch two tarpon per day dur...

Anglers break state record for largest tarpon caught

Anglers break state record for largest tarpon caught An angler fishing out of a kayak in the Apalachicola River has set a new state record for the largest tarpon caught. The fish, which weighed in at 176 pounds, was caught by 53-year-old David Kennedy of Quincy, Florida. Kennedy used a live bait to snag the tarpon and landed it after a 40-minute struggle. "It was an amazing experience," said Kennedy. "I never expected to catch a fish that size." This is the second major fishing achievement for Kennedy this year; he previously set a state record for the largest redfish caught. Tarpon migration shaping up to be one of the best yet The tarpon migration is shaping up to be one of the best in recent history, with plenty of fish already arriving along the coast. Anglers are enjoying good catches of tarpon from both boats and beaches, and the action is only going to get better as more and more fish arrive. Tarpon migrate along the Gulf Coast each year, head...

Anglers Hook Monster Tarpon off Florida Coast

Anglers Hook Monster Tarpon off Florida Coast An angler fishing off the coast of Florida was able to reel in a monster tarpon on Saturday. The fish, which weighed in at around 300 pounds, was hooked by Rick Maggio using a live bait shrimp. Maggio, who has been fishing for tarpon for over 25 years, said that he had never before caught one of such a large size. "I've caught some good-sized ones before, but never anything like this," he said. The tarpon put up a ferocious fight, taking over half an hour to land. Maggio described it as "the biggest and strongest fish I've ever fought." Tarpons are one of the largest and most prized gamefish in North America. They can grow up to 8 feet long and weigh over 400 pounds. They are known for their spectacular jumps and powerful runs. Tarpon feast caught on film off Mexico The big tarpon go into a frenzy as the bait is thrown into the water. Captured in all its leaping, twisting glory, this film footage of a...

Tarpon Anglers Land Monster Fish 2. Florida Tarpon Fishing Season is heating up 3. Tarpon caught off Anna Maria Island 4. Tampa Bay Fishing Guides Target Tarpon 5. Get Outside! Try your hand at Florida Tarpon Fishing

Tarpon Anglers Land Monster Fish 2. Florida Tarpon Fishing Season is heating up 3. Tarpon caught off Anna Maria Island 4. Tampa Bay Fishing Guides Target Tarpon 5. Get Outside! Try your hand at Florida Tarpon Fishing Tarpon anglers are reeling in some massive fish this season. Many have been pulling in fish over 150 pounds. The Florida tarpon fishing season is in full swing, and the big fish are biting. Anglers have been catching these creatures all along the Gulf Coast, from Tampa Bay down to Naples. One lucky fisherman reeled in a 156-pound tarpon off Anna Maria Island last week. This catch was especially impressive because it was only his second time fishing for tarpon. Tampa Bay fishing guides are targeting tarpon with great success this year. The waters of Tampa Bay are teeming with these giant fish, and they put up quite a fight when hooked. If you're looking for a challenge, try your hand at Florida tarpon fishing this season. These fish can be ...

Anglers Catch Record Tarpon in Florida Waters

Anglers Catch Record Tarpon in Florida Waters An angler fishing in the waters near Carrabelle, Florida caught a tarpon that weighed in at an incredible 363 pounds, setting a new state record. The monstrous tarpon took nearly two hours to reel in and required the help of two other anglers to finally bring it aboard the boat. The fish measured 8 feet, 5 inches in length and is now the largest tarpon ever caught in Florida waters. The previous state record was a 352-pound tarpon caught near Steinhatchee in 2008. This amazing feat underscores the importance of preserving our precious natural resources like coastal fisheries so that future generations can experience these kinds of fishing records firsthand. Tarpon Are a Popular Sport Fish for Anglers Worldwide The tarpon has a long, sleek body with a blunt head and protruding lower jaw. The dorsal fin is situated near the back of the fish, and the anal fin is just in front of the tail. Tarpon can grow to be 8 feet (2.4 m) long a...

Tarpon Named Florida's Official Fish!

Tarpon Named Florida's Official Fish! In a unanimous vote by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), the tarpon has been named the state's official fish. The silver king, as they are also known, is a popular game fish sought by both anglers and spearfishers. Tarpon can grow up to 8 feet long and weigh 350 pounds. They are migratory fish that can be found in both fresh and salt water. "Tarpon are an iconic fish that are not only popular with anglers, but also with people who just enjoy watching them jump," said FWC Chairman Robert Spottswood. "We appreciate the public's interest in helping us choose an official state fish." Anglers will continue to be able to harvest tarpon during the open season, which runs from May through July. Tarpon Season is in Full Swing - Get Hooked! Florida's tarpon season is in full swing and there's no better time to get hooked on this prehistoric fish. Tarpon can be found in abundance a...

Giant Tarpon Caught on Video Swimming in Florida Waters

Giant Tarpon Caught on Video Swimming in Florida Waters A giant tarpon was caught recently on video swimming in the waters off Florida. The impressive fish was estimated to weigh in at over 200 pounds and measured approximately seven feet long. The video of the giant tarpon was captured by pro angler Drew classes as he fished with a friend near Steinhatchee, Florida. Classes said that he had never seen anything like it before in all his years of fishing. In an interview about the catch, Classes remarked, "It was just eating and rolling around near the boat - it was pretty amazing to see." The angler also said that he and his friend had to work hard to get the fish on board their vessel. Fortunately, they were successful and were able to enjoy a delicious meal of fresh tarpon meat soon after landing the fish. While giant tarpon can be found in both salt and freshwater habitats, they are most commonly found in estuaries and brackish water. Giant tarpon are targeted by...

Tarpon get a bad rap: they're actually docile creatures!

Tarpon get a bad rap: they're actually docile creatures! Tarpon are often thought of as being dangerous and aggressive fish, but this is not the case at all! Tarpon are actually very docile and can be caught on bait or lures without too much trouble. In fact, tarpon are often referred to as "the gentle giant of the sea". They may reach impressive sizes - up to 8 feet long and 300 pounds - but they are generally quite timid and will not attack humans or other creatures unprovoked. Tarpon can be found in warm coastal waters all over the world, and they make popular game fish due to their size and fighting power. Anglers enjoy targeting tarpon because they provide a real challenge, and when hooked they often put on an impressive aerial display. So next time you're out fishing, consider giving tarpon a try - you may be surprised at how tame and easy to catch they really are! Could this be the year of the tarpon? The tarpon is one of the most popular sport fish...

Tarpon Return to Florida Coast in Record Numbers

Tarpon Return to Florida Coast in Record Numbers After a five-year absence, tarpon are returning to Florida's Gulf Coast in record numbers. Anglers and scientists are excited by the resurgence of this iconic game fish, which was once common in the area but dwindled in population due to overfishing. Brian Laumer, a research biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), attributes the tarpon's return to better management of the fishery. "We've been working hard to rebuild this fishery, and it looks like our efforts are paying off," he said. The FWC has established catch-and-release regulations for tarpon in order to give the fish time to spawn. In addition,Laumer said, the commission has worked with bait shops and guides to promote catch-and-release fishing. As a result, anglers are releasing more than 90 percent of the tarpon they catch. Tarpon are one of Florida's most prized game fish, and they can grow to weigh more than...

Florida Angler Catches Monster Tarpon

Florida Angler Catches Monster Tarpon A Florida fisherman has reeled in a monster tarpon that is being called one of the biggest ever caught in the state. According to reports, the tarpon measured in at an impressive 8 feet 4 inches and tipped the scales at a whopping 203 pounds. The angler reportedly spent two hours battling with the fish before finally landing it. The big catch was made near Amelia Island in Nassau County. Tarpon are one of the largest and most sought-after game fish in North America, and can grow to lengths of over 10 feet and weigh more than 300 pounds. They are known for their fighting spirit and powerful jumps out of the water. Anglers typically use heavy tackle when fishing for tarpon, as they are capable of breaking even the strongest lines. This impressive catch is undoubtedly going to be a talking point among Florida anglers for some time to come. Rare Silver Tarpon Caught off Coast of Texas A rare silver tarpon was caught this week off the co...

KFC Under Fire for Shoddy Fried Chicken Production

KFC Under Fire for Shoddy Fried Chicken Production Kentucky Fried Chicken is in hot water again, as it seems their production methods for frying chicken are leaving much to be desired. Consumer Affairs has released footage of an alleged KFC supplier in Georgia, in which the chickens are appearing to be battered and fried while still alive. KFC has responded to these allegations, stating that they do not condone this type of production and that the supplier has been terminated. They went on to say that they are committed to providing their customers with the best quality food possible. This is not the first time that KFC has been under fire for its questionable food practices; in fact, they have been involved in several major scandals over the past few years. In 2014, a CNN investigative report found that many KFC suppliers were using unethical practices, such as breeding chickens in deplorable conditions and then using antibiotics to cover up the smell. The report also claimed th...